
Speak & Go 

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

This Is A Call For Women 


“Build your business with public speaking! 5 steps on how to expand your business globally using your voice!

This Is A Call For Women 


“Build your business with public speaking! 5 steps on how to expand your business globally using your voice!

   "Speak & 

           Go Global"

Let’s Go to Your Bigger Future 

Take a microphone 

and become an influencer

Dear Global Women, I am so excited to invite you to join this 
5 days FREE training challenge with me. For a limited time we are opening the doors for you to engage and access 5 sessions on public speaking that I will run live every day.


During this FREE 5-day challenge we are going to help you tap into the power of public speaking and allow your gifts to reach the world.

This powerful challenge will help you stand in your power by taking a mic and be bold. During this challenge, I will actively encourage you to connect with your higher self, strengthen your mind and feel positive about your future and your life. 

This will enlighten you to spot opportunities that you have not been able to see before and create your own legacy by empowering your voice.

By the end of this challenge you will have improved mental clarity, you will feel inspired to go out there and make yourself visible, and speak on stages around the world.

"If you want to empower a woman give her a microphone"
- Mirela Sula, CEO of Global Woman


During this FREE 5-day challenge we are going to help you tap into the power of public speaking and allow your gifts to reach the world.

This powerful challenge will help you stand in your power by taking a mic and be bold. During this challenge, I will actively encourage you to connect with your higher self, strengthen your mind and feel positive about your future and your life. 

This will enlighten you to spot opportunities that you have not been able to see before and create your own legacy by empowering your voice.

By the end of this challenge you will have improved mental clarity, you will feel inspired to go out there and make yourself visible, and speak on stages around the world.

"If you want to empower a woman give her a microphone"
- Mirela Sula, CEO of Global Woman

Utilise public speaking and 

Find Your top-paying 
clients in 5 days

The benefits of public speaking 

 Many times we don’t know what we don’t know. We will unveil for you the secrets of how to grow - professionally or entrepreneurially - using public speaking as a key tool.

 Instead of focusing on fear, we will focus on the benefits of your visibility that comes with public speaking. And this means growth! 

 When you become visible, you boost your confidence, you stand out from the masses, you attract more and greater opportunities and as a result you increase your earnings/revenue.

 Public speaking brings more potential customers, and more people who can refer you to others.

 By being a public speaker, not only are you considered as an expert, but the consistent marketing that comes with it can especially enhance your prospects and prosperity. And most importantly, when you start speaking around the world, you inspire the vast audiences to dream without boundaries.

What Will Happen

These 5 days of live training are crafted to empower you, providing the tools needed to become a dynamic and influential communicator.

But here's the kicker – these workshops are not just about absorbing information; they are your personal stage, your platform to step into the spotlight and take hold of the microphone.

It is time to express your thoughts boldly, and become the master of your own narrative in the world of public speaking.

Join me for this challenge and start a journey where your voice becomes a beacon of inspiration and authority. 

Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and transformed!
Get ready to kick off this amazing 5-day challenge!

Day 1: What is your topic?

On the first day the mission is all about finding that one topic that lights a fire in your belly. We'll guide you to discover a subject that aligns perfectly with your passion and makes you eager to jump right in. It's time to pick a topic that speaks to your heart and sets the stage for an inspiring journey ahead!

Day 2: How to overcome the fear 

Let's tackle the big one – public speaking fears. We get it; it's scary! But here's the thing: we're going to help you face those fears head-on. Together, we'll dig into where those nerves are coming from and smash through the barriers holding you back. Get ready to stand tall, own the stage, and show the world what you're made of!

Day 3: Step into your confidence 

Confidence is the secret sauce, especially for our amazing women speakers! Ever seen someone on stage looking a bit shaky? We're flipping that script. Day 3 is all about boosting your confidence. We'll share tricks and tips so that when you speak, you radiate self-assurance. No more holding back – it's time to step into the spotlight with confidence and grace!
If you want to empower a woman give her a microphone
If you want to empower a woman give her a microphone

Mirela Sula

Mirela Sula

CEO & Founder of Global Woman

CEO & Founder of Global Woman

Day 4: How to create content

Time to talk about creating killer content! No need for boring speeches here. We'll teach you how to craft talks that grab attention, tell a compelling story, and leave a lasting impact. Get ready to impress your audience and have them hanging on your every word.

Day 5: How to make money with public speaking

It's the grand finale – turning your passion into profit! We'll spill the beans on how to make money with your newfound public speaking skills. From speaking gigs to workshops and beyond, we'll show you the ropes. Get ready to not only speak your truth but also turn it into a rewarding adventure that pays off in more ways than one! Get excited – your journey to speaking success is just beginning!

When You Sign Up For This Challenge, You Will Get:

 Access to 5 live workshops where we are sharing top strategies for gaining your maximum potential to create products, launch them by using media and social media, gain visibility and use it for your benefit. (I will also encourage you to take a microphone and be brave to speak your mind and business).

 Access to our incredible Facebook group where you can connect and network with professional women and entrepreneurs from all over the world.

 The chance to win amazing prizes associated with the challenge (and beyond).

 The dedicated workbook “5 steps of public speaking”.

 And extra bonuses.

When You Sign Up 
You Will Get

  • Access 5 live workshops dedicated to unlocking your full potential as a public speaker. You will learn skills and strategies to elevate your speaking power and present your ideas with confidence.
  • We will be sharing top strategies for gaining your maximum potential as a public speaker and how to launch new products by using public speaking 
  • You will learn how to gain visibility with public speaking and grow global (I will also encourage you to take a microphone and be brave to speak your mind and grow your business).
  • Access to our incredible Facebook group where you can connect and network with professional women and entrepreneurs from all over the world.
  • The dedicated workbook “5 steps of public speaking”.
  • And extra bonuses too.

 Are You Ready To Be Seen And Take The Mic

#Speak&GoGlobal 2024 Challenge

A message from Mirela Sula

11 years ago I moved to London only with a handbag, as a single mother, with no money, not good enough English, no connections and no idea how I was going to survive in this big world - but I had a big dream and I believed in it.

I had of course many challenges, many bad, tough days, many dilemmas and doubts if I was ever going to be able to find my purpose, but I never thought for a second that I was going to give up.

And this is the most important thing that I believe, that we as human beings should know, while we are searching for a meaning and looking to connect with our call
Loyalty. No matter what happens to us and how many tests we go through, we always should stay loyal to our vision and never give up.Now, while enjoying my journey, I was looking at this picture from the window of my office, to my favorite view of Oxford Street, in the beating heart of London, this big city which now feels my home, and I say Thank YOU. I am grateful for what I have received and feel ready to give back and repeat my everyday mantra: everything that I wish for myself I wish everybody to have.

I remember when I started the first chapter of Global Woman Club, I started visualising how the club can reach women around the world. And it happened sooner than I thought. I launched the first club in London in December 2016 with zero money in my bank account, and by the end of 2018 I had created 14 clubs around the world and 27 clubs by the end of 2019. It hasn’t been easy, but I have really enjoyed every single step of this journey. 

Now, many women that are part of my course ''Launch & Go Global '' keep asking me: “How do I get a global reach?”. I want to share exactly this during the five days challenge, which starts on Thursday 1st February.

Hundreds of women have already joined and started sharing their stories. Come and join us, you will love it and It's Free!
One of my favorite things that I love working with Global Woman Club is the community of entrepreneurs and small businesses who work hard and share the same vision like us to inspire and empower others. We see amazing examples of this every day, women in our community who start a business with passion and create a big vision to do good in the world
I always believed in the power that women have inside and the way they can use it to create a positive impact in the world. What makes Global Woman vision special is the community spirit and the faith that we all have in a better future.
When we come together we always find ways to have fun and contribute to a collective happiness (sharing jokes, do make up, photo-shoots, live videos, hugging each other and spreading so much love – This is how we usually do business with each other).

We want to keep and nourish this faith, and today is more important than ever before.​ As the world continues to experience financial crisis, war and poverty, it’s time for us women to claim our voice and use it for change. 
We need to show up and stand up for bringing that positive transformation that only our feminine energy can create.

I’m committed to offer my contribution and serve my community in order to help women entrepreneurs to succeed, but also any woman who needs support.

And I’m calling on women entrepreneurs everywhere to ignite their resilience and call their entrepreneurial spirit, overcome the fear and focus on serving their customers and communities. We know that when women come together they create magic. Let’s show what we are able to do. If we show our solidarity, we can overcome challenges and make a difference to our communities.

Meet Our Guest Speakers

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci is a world-renowned expert and leading voice in health and wellness. As a naturopathic physician who is a visionary and an innovator in one broth category, she has 4 highly rated PBS Specials and multiple appearances in the programs like Good Morning America, The Talk and Good Day LA, Everyday Health and Bloomberg. She reaches 13.2B people across her social media platforms and 4.2M unique visitors to her website monthly. DR. KellyAnn is a New York Times Best Selling author of 10 books translated into 9 languages and has built 9 figure DTC (direct to consumer) and retail brand that we all enjoy!

Angela Hammond 

Programme Coordinator

As Marketing Director at Global Woman Club, Angela leverages her 25 years experience helping and supporting businesses transform - rom B2B & B2C expansion to fuelling growth with unrivalled expertise in identifying business weaknesses and implementing tailored growth solutions that support their drive to achieve remarkable results.

Renowned as a strategic leader, Angela excels in forging global partner collaborations through project managing, curator of event planning and management, making her a sought-after expert in networking, partnership building, and sponsorships. 

Micaela Passeri

Since pioneering as Regional Director of Global Woman Club Los Angeles, Micaela helps powerful women entrepreneurs to identify and release the trapped emotions that prevent your success and freedom. 

She is an Award winning Emotional Intelligence and Business Performance Expert, International Speaker, Author and founder of the Love Your Evolution Emotional and Business Mastery training programs.

Christina Aristidou

Christina’s unwavering willingness to positively impact and serve those around her, led her to transition from being an executive legal manager in law firms, investment funds and multinational corporations, becoming a successful High Performance Coach, Mentor, Trainer and Mindset Expert, certified by and member of the International Coach Federation. 

Linda Attram

Linda is the Regional Director of Global Woman Club Accra. She is a meticulous Businesswoman, Global Woman Award Winner, Author, Public Speaker and Founder of Mothers in Business. 

 Linda understands the challenges that entrepreneurial mothers face whilst juggling between motherhood and business. She provides a safe platform for mothers to connect, collaborate, grow and feel supported to create the life they desire and deserve.

Carla Cohen

Carla is the Regional Director of the Global Woman Club Orange County. She is a passion driven Renaissance woman, Business Growth Specialist, Master Healer and Emotional Intelligence expert. She is the winner of the Exceptional Global Woman Award and a best selling author. 

Carla knows first hand how being a business owner is an emotional journey. She knows what if feels like to face life's toughest challenges head-on juggling family complexities, health issues, career shifts, and struggling to meet your income goals. The problem isn't validating your business - it's recognizing that you are the one holding yourself back from reaching your full potential. And no matter how hard you work; you can't seem to break through to the next level. You can not do it alone - it’s time to make a change. As a Rapid Results Business Coach Carla helps entrepreneurs double, triple and ten x their income.

Susanne Fagerström

My first meeting with Global Woman community was 2021 in a 5 day challenge. I was an active participant and joined as a member directly after that. So many possibilities to grow, in this global community. As a manager in business development I also I started in Mirelas business school and that was really great for me, I created my own method the Golden CODE, seven secrets to success How to create your dreamlife. I also published articles in the global woman magazine and business today.  After that I felt encouraged to speak on stage and I did , in Los Angeles, New York, London, and Amsterdam. Last year I started as regional Director of Global Woman Club Stockholm, we have had online meetings and this year we Will also meet in person, connect locally empower globally. This is really the community Where you can Invest in the most important person in yourlife- YOU!

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci

Regional Director

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci is a world-renowned expert and leading voice in health and wellness. As a naturopathic physician who is a visionary and an innovator in one broth category, she has 4 highly rated PBS Specials and multiple appearances in the programs like Good Morning America, The Talk and Good Day LA, Everyday Health and Bloomberg. She reaches 13.2B people across her social media platforms and 4.2M unique visitors to her website monthly. DR. KellyAnn is a New York Times Best Selling author of 10 books translated into 9 languages and has built 9 figure DTC (direct to consumer) and retail brand that we all enjoy!

Angela Hammond 

Programme Coordinator

As Marketing Director at Global Woman Club, Angela leverages her 25 years experience helping and supporting businesses transform - rom B2B & B2C expansion to fuelling growth with unrivalled expertise in identifying business weaknesses and implementing tailored growth solutions that support their drive to achieve remarkable results.

Renowned as a strategic leader, Angela excels in forging global partner collaborations through project managing, curator of event planning and management, making her a sought-after expert in networking, partnership building, and sponsorships. 

Micaela Passeri

Since pioneering as Regional Director of Global Woman Club Los Angeles, Micaela helps powerful women entrepreneurs to identify and release the trapped emotions that prevent your success and freedom. 

She is an Award winning Emotional Intelligence and Business Performance Expert, International Speaker, Author and founder of the Love Your Evolution Emotional and Business Mastery training programs.

Christina Aristidou

With an impressive background in Law, Christina has recently taken charge as Regional Director of Global Woman Club Cyprus.

Christina’s unwavering willingness to positively impact and serve those around her, led her to transition from being an executive legal manager in law firms, investment funds and multinational corporations, becoming a successful High Performance Coach, Mentor, Trainer and Mindset Expert, certified by and member of the International Coach Federation. 

Linda Attram

Linda is the Regional Director of Global Woman Club Accra. She is a meticulous Businesswoman, Global Woman Award Winner, Author, Public Speaker and Founder of Mothers in Business. 

 Linda understands the challenges that entrepreneurial mothers face whilst juggling between motherhood and business. She provides a safe platform for mothers to connect, collaborate, grow and feel supported to create the life they desire and deserve.

Carla Cohen

Carla is the Regional Director of Global Woman Club Orange County.

 Carla is the Regional Director of the Global Woman Club Orange County. She is a passion driven Renaissance woman, Business Growth Specialist, Master Healer and Emotional Intelligence expert. She is the winner of the Exceptional Global Woman Award and a best selling author. 

Carla knows first hand how being a business owner is an emotional journey. She knows what if feels like to face life's toughest challenges head-on juggling family complexities, health issues, career shifts, and struggling to meet your income goals. The problem isn't validating your business - it's recognizing that you are the one holding yourself back from reaching your full potential. And no matter how hard you work; you can't seem to break through to the next level. You can not do it alone - it’s time to make a change. As a Rapid Results Business Coach Carla helps entrepreneurs double, triple and ten x their income.

Susanne Fagerström

My first meeting with Global Woman community was 2021 in a 5 day challenge. I was an active participant and joined as a member directly after that. So many possibilities to grow, in this global community. As a manager in business development I also I started in Mirelas business school and that was really great for me, I created my own method the Golden CODE, seven secrets to success How to create your dreamlife. I also published articles in the global woman magazine and business today. After that I felt encouraged to speak on stage and I did , in Los Angeles, New York, London, and Amsterdam. Last year I started as regional Director of Global Woman Club Stockholm, we have had online meetings and this year we Will also meet in person, connect locally empower globally. This is really the community Where you can Invest in the most important person in yourlife- YOU!

Let’s Take #Speak & Go Global Challenge Together And Give Yourself The Permission To Shine In 2024

The challenge kicks off on Thursday 1st February. 
I have planned so many amazing things to share together and I am sure you don’t want to miss this.

Save these Dates in your calendar

Thursday 4th January we open the doors to join our private FB group 
Thursday 1st February Day 1 - Live at 7pm UK time
Friday 2nd February Day 2 - Live at 7pm UK time
Saturday 3rd February Day 3 - Live at 7pm UK time
Sunday 4th February Day 4 - Live at 7pm UK time 
Monday 5th February Day 5 - Live at 7pm UK time 


Feedback on Previous Challenges

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